Socializing in Canada: Newcomer Stories on English Learning Journeys

Socializing in Canada: Newcomer Stories on English Learning Journeys This blog was written by the YMCA Newcomer Information Centre Information and Referral Specialist, Lena Samoilichenko. Learning English can feel like a real adventure and often brings unforgettable stories of lighthearted and funny moments, as well as valuable lessons. We reached out to settled newcomers who learned…


Newcomer Guide to Canadian National Parks: Destinations and Essential Tips

Newcomer Guide to Canadian National Parks: Destinations and Essential Tips This blog was written by the YMCA Newcomer Information Centre Information and Referral Specialist, Lena Samoilichenko. Canada’s national parks are a natural beauty and adventure gold mine, both because of the breathtaking landscapes and a wide array of activities. Before exploring the beauty of these parks,…

a woman facing sideways talking with a bubble speech graphic coming out of her mouth

Socializing in Canada: Tips on Navigating Language Barriers for Newcomers

Socializing in Canada: Tips on Navigating Language Barriers for Newcomers This blog was written by YMCA Newcomer Information Centre Information and Referral Specialist, Lena Samoilichenko. Communicating effectively in your non-native language can present challenges, but it’s a skill that can be mastered with persistent practice over time. Whether you’ve just started learning English or trying…

an image with a yellow background and a text "Homesick"

Coping with Homesickness

Coping with Homesickness This blog was written by YMCA Newcomer Information Centre Information and Referral Specialist, Lena Samoilichenko. Moving to a new country opens the door to a world of possibilities but can also bring sadness and homesickness. This feeling is familiar and natural to many newcomers. It’s important to remember that adjusting to a…


Canadian Culture: Celebrating Family Day

Canadian Culture: Celebrating Family Day February is the month when most provinces in Canada celebrate Family Day. This heartwarming holiday, which falls on the third Monday of February, was proclaimed in 1990 to emphasize the importance of family values. It’s the perfect opportunity for families to spend quality time together, relax, and enjoy each other’s…
