LSP Week 2021: We Belong
Join the Toronto Public Library in celebrating 14 years of welcoming and helping newcomers with Library Settlement Partnerships.
The event is taking place Thursday, October 21, 2-4 pm, via Zoom. The theme of this year’s celebration is: “We Belong,” which invites us to bridge understanding across all groups, celebrate inclusion, and promote a sense of belonging for all.
The schedule of events:
- 2:00 pm: Welcome remarks, Land Acknowledgment, and brief presentations from LSP partners
- 2:10 pm: Citizenship Judge Suzanne Carrière discusses the importance of newcomer contributions to Truth & Reconciliation
- 2:45 pm: Aqua Nibii Waawaaskone shares traditional, contemporary, and original hand drum songs and stories
- 3:45 pm: Closing remarks