In partnership with the YMCA Career Planning and Development Services, we offer FREE limited one-on-one career counselling for newcomers in Canada.

This unique and high-demand program can assist you in exploring career opportunities to match your skills, significantly increasing your chance to succeed.

The Career Exploration Program will include:
  • Comprehensive exploration of your career interests
  • Completion of vocational interest assessments as well as the Myers-Briggs personality type indicator
  • A review of your career interests and preferences
  • 2.5 hours of one-to-one counseling and developmental planning
  • A copy of your interpretation reports
What to Expect:
  • Exploration of career interests utilizing the two most respected and popular career assessments available – the Strong Interest Inventory as well as the Jackson Vocational Survey. These two career assessments take about 30 to 40 minutes each to complete
  • Exploration of Myers-Briggs personality type. This assessment takes about 20 minutes to complete
  • A comprehensive review of career interests and personality preferences during a 1.5-hour interpretation of results meeting. This session will assist individuals in understanding their strengths and assets and to attain greater self-awareness. The individual will leave this session with a list of possible careers to research and consider
  • A 1-hour follow-up with one-to-one counselling and coaching to assist the individual to further develop their sense of direction and purpose. The focus of this final session is on career decision-making. The individual will leave this session with the confidence to seek the education and skills they need to succeed in the career of their choosing, which they know will support their individual well-being and satisfaction. In addition, the individual will now possess the skills and knowledge to manage their career direction across their lifespan
  • The individual will be given a copy of the interpretation report from the Strong Interest Inventory, the Jackson Vocational Survey, and the Myers- Briggs Type Indicator
Eligibility Criteria:
  • Be a Permanent Resident, Convention Refugee/Protected Person, or CUAET Pathway
  • Be a member of the YMCA Newcomer Information Centre
  • Have a minimum of CLB Level 4 on all four skills
  • Be committed to complete the program

Space is limited on a first-come, first-serve basis.


For additional question, please email [email protected]

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